Articles for tag: Disney, Hollywood, Movie Trailers

Arun Kumar

best animation movies 2016

10 Best Animated Movies Of 2016, Ranked

Most of us relate the word ‘animation’ to the colorful, digital imagery of Pixar/Disney movies. We can, of course, understand the appeal of these glitzy movies. The American studios’ talent in building rich, immaculate visuals is unquestionable. However, animated movies are not just visual entertainment targeted at children. They are not just made to give ...


Moana film animation

Moana: How Animated Can Animation Get?

Watching the latest Disney film Moana, I kept veering off the storyline, engaging as it was. The breath-taking animation made me think, more than once, about how far can visual effects go before they become a trick? Here’s my question. Animation is (mostly) used to express ideas and worlds, building which in real life is near ...